Hugging my grudge

"I´ve always been chasing rainbows, staring out of classroom windows. I don´t think I´ll ever be happy, unless I´m unhappy and hugging my grudge"

20 abril, 2006

Da série "Coisas que eu gostaria de ter escrito" 2

"People need people, Steve. It has nothing to do with sex. OK, maybe 40 percent. 60 percent. Forget it."

"I've always been able to do this, break up with someone and never look back. Being alone: there's a certain dignity to it. "

"Somewhere around 25, bizarre becomes immature."

"I just happened to be nowhere near your neighborhood."

"My dad left home when I was eight. You know what he said to me? Have fun, stay single. I was eight."

"Janet, you rock my world."

"Desperation - it's the world's worst cologne."

Linda Powell: Look, I don't need to be your girlfriend or anything... I just wanna know you again
Steve Dunne: What took you so long?
Linda Powell: I was stuck in traffic.

The Mime: Let me tell you about love. Love disappears, baby! Every time I've been broke, the babe's been off like a prom dress.
Female co-passanger: May be it's the women you choose?
The Mime: Hey! May be I've been hurt! And may be I've been dumped!
(Vida de Solteiro. Singles. Direção e roteiro de Cameron Crowe. Com Kyra Sedwig, Campbell Scott, Matt Dillon, Bridget Fonda, Bill Pullman)

Claro que essas citações fazem muito mais sentido se vc vir o filme, o que não é tão difícil assim, em qualquer locadora tem. Mas o que interessa mesmo é que Cameron Crowe tem a manha, mesmo porque, não importa se o filme é bobo como Elizabethtown, um lixo como Vanilla Sky ou lindo e emocionante como Quase Famosos, eles sempre têm uma trilha sonora de arrebentar!